With funding from Women Like Us Foundation, PCF held its very first Girls’ Empowerment Workshop in Narok County!
Sixty-eight (68) girls ages 8-17 attended the 4-day workshop in April to learn about the harmful effects of FGM, child marriage, teen pregnancy, sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR), HIV/AIDS/STD’s, child rights, gender-based violence, self-awareness, self-confidence, sanitation, and the importance of formal education.
The girls were given the Kenya FGM-Hotline number ( 0770 610505) to report suspected or known incidents of FGM.
During leisure time the girls jumped rope, played soccer and volleyball, made friends, sang songs, and talked about their dreams for bright futures.
In Narok County, a predominantly Maasai area, only one in 15 girls enrolled in primary school proceeds to secondary school.
Girls’ transition rates to university are even less common: 2.4 percent in Trans Mara West and 1 percent in Narok North.